URL Projects
Hidden Noise: the Talking Buildings Project 
Julio Morales, Natasha Ogunji, Zane Vella 
Hidden Noise is a series of five site-specific installations throughout the city featuring the voices and stories of neighborhoods in transition. 
Physical Hygiene  
Raveevarn Choksombatchai 
Examining waste treatment and the unseen sanitation system, this project explores how ìcleanlinessî and ìphysical hygieneî differ from one social and cultural structure to another. 
The Radiant City  
Margaret Crane, Jacques Servin and Scott MacLeod 
The Radiant City floats somewhere out of reach.  It is the city you remember and the city  you forgot.  The Radiant City is part San Francisco and part somewhere else. 
Jacques Servin with cartographer Scott Noren 
"Frisco":  an imposed vision that San Franciscans loathe.  This piece consists of a map that resides on the Web and allows users to superimpose various visions of the city, as well as add their own.  Two of Servin's layers: The Great City, Burnham's Plan.
Harrell Fletcher and Jon Rubin 
Five Mission District households will use their own backyards, patios, or window boxes to grow vegetables, fruits or herbs to share with the other households on a weekly basis. In the gallery will be a functioning greenhouse to illustrate one form of urban agriculture.
Contours of the City 
Anita Margrill in collaboration with geologist Judy West 
Contours of the City is a three dimensional representation of San Franciscoís bedrock and overlying sediment package (or isopach) which illustrates the concentrations of ìsoft soilsî that are responsible for our greatest earthquake tragedies.
The Monument Map  
Richard Sommer 
This project takes as a starting point the definition of the monument as an artifact understood to be an exemplar of some natural, historical or personal significance, or as some-thing that endures in the memory.
La Vida Povera de San Pancho  
Erika Olsen Hannes, Valerie Soe 
This interactive installation consists of a swarm of melted and made over Playskool plastic doll houses that have been altered to reflect the ghost stories, histories and legends of San Francisco.
Ali Sant 
"Territory" is a travelogue charting an eight month journey away from San Francisco and back again. Influenced by early travel stories, the site blends both the experiences and exagerations of travel in a collection of stories.