

"You will have to push on this pedal, and ardently, for the world is without definition and what stump we can fuse it with we invent, propose, design, whistle out, conceive, varnish in, and stick to the fabric of every which way."

"Like this?"

"Yes. You are a woman, a woman thin and brown, long like a cucumber and brown like a sea cucumber, whistling often, gifted with the connecting impulse, willing to put circles and squares in league, willing to join the hub to the cab, the hubris to the bris, making one thing work, the other thing also work, whereas normally few of these situations develop."


"You will push until I tell you to ease up. You will continue to understand this mechanism through me and my arms of glacial stymying, you will see the through bit and the down bit and the swivel bit as if I were seeing them, which I will be, for I am the worker and know full well the deft steel of my cordage."


"Now push on the pedal."

"Like this?"

"Yes. You are assuming the worst of the void, making the swell interferences list like Caravaggio on his futon of papal bulls; you are reckless and yet serene, joining always, joining and never renouncing your clues, like many an Austrian scholar betrothed to classicism like Herod to the Jews; you speak tomes about death by surrendering whole your leg's decisions.... Push on that pedal! Whack it!"

"Like this?"

"You are spindrift collateral, forever argy-bargy in the face of the daft unruffled, but giving the wind its joys. Yes, like that. Your leg, pushing like Greek boys against the plum of their lovers' dilemma, the plum of their lovers' dilemma, and forming essential distempers by lugging sequence from this land to that land, always confounding the systems but giving the rampages lust."


"Now remember to know when the oil is low."

"The oil is low?"

"The oil is not low."


"Remember to know when the oil is low."


"The oil surrenders pride in the interest of obtaining conviction."

"I do?"

"The oil surrenders. You merely push."



